Giles and Brother, based in New York City, make up for one or two all of my Christmas wishlist. I decided to arrange my Christmas season to be spent with family in the States, which will be followed with a week in New York. On top of the list of places to visit, is Giles & Brother. You may recall my early adoration for Philip Crangi, well it just so happens he is the man behind this jewelry label, along with his sister (Giles!). The beautiful hand-crafted jewelry is so spot-on trend. When it comes to men’s accessories it doesn’t get much better than this. I have my eyes on that railroad spike cuff, but it’s those amazing coin pendants that I absolutely will be charging to my credit card buying. Which is your favourite?
1 Railroad Spike Cuff 2 Braided Lacing Lash Hook 3 Black Braided Leather Clip with Large Hook 4 Large Faceted Brass Bead Bracelet
5 Multi-colour Rope S Hook Bracelet 6 Dolphin Coin Pendant 7 Tiny Nuts and Nuts Necklace 8 Eye Coin Pendant 9 Hook Wrap Bracelet